What is the purposes of the macronutrients
What is the purposes of the macronutrients

By the end of this post, you’ll be able to answer the question, “what are macros?” and better understand the role of macronutrients for fitness! This should lay a solid foundation for some videos and post coming this fall and winter, while helping you better understand the “why” behind some of the ingredients and recommendations with my recipes. Before I go into depth on some of the trendy topics out there in the fitness and nutrition space, I thought starting with the most basic info on macronutrients (often referred to as “macros”) would serve everyone best. So, I’m excited to finally be getting more of that info out there on my You Tube channel and this blog.

what is the purposes of the macronutrients

While I love cooking, baking, and all things food, there’s a lot of science available on what foods and nutrients are best to fuel our fitness.

What is the purposes of the macronutrients